Prefabricated waterproofing membrane composed of distilled bitumen
and elasto-plastomeric polymers (APP) reinforced with non-woven
polyester fabric that gives the membrane high mechanical properties
and good dimensional stability. Specifically indicated for waterproofing
structures where the presence of vegetation is expected (e.g. Roof gardens,
underground structures, etc.). The excellent and long-lasting performance
of ITER ANTI-ROOT is provided by the combination of the reinforcement
and the waterproofing mass characteristics and suitable additives
with special chemicals that ensure high resistance against the
penetration of roots and aggressive chemicals such as fertilisers,
herbicides, etc. The "anti-root" action of the product does not prejudice
in any way the life and health of plants. The anti-root additives are
not leached by water and are resistant to the action of the blowtorch
flame used for the application, therefore, the product exerts its
function permanently.
- Good resistance to puncturing
- Good mechanical performance
- Resistance against the penetration of roots